Hispanic Hub Intercultural EarthSave/Espanol Translations

Plant Based/Vegan vMision123 evolved in Miami’s intercultural Hispanic Hub since 1996   ~VeganMan/Sr. Vegano  (vegtastic.co/espanol)

Hispanic Hub Translates Vegan Messages – an Intercultural Portal for the Heavenly Eating Lifestyle.

Spanish Translation by TEAMEarthsave:
Team Leader: Prof. Estela ‘WindWalker’ Delgado, M.S.
Translator: Maria Mariposa
Translator: Lisa Sutton
Note: Other PlantPure Translators work only on PPC content

Volunteer Translators: contact ewindwalker@gmail.com | 786.231.4949

What a great time to help unite Earthlings from LatinAmerica and the Spanish-speaking world with our English-based operations.
1- go to earthsavePOD espanol (“EPE”) and Request to Join.  A personal SMS text message will be my heads-up to let you in quickly. Then I will ask you for your opinion about our ongoing work, and we’ll find your best position to participate
2.  also track our prime material for translations on FB@Beyond Heavenly Eating Club (“BHEC”) where my wholistic Plant-based Lifestyle Program that takes into account the 4 levels of wellness : Physical – Emotional – Mental and Spiritual; also the collected Earth’s Wisdom of the Heavenly Eating Chefs, Nutritionists… Crystal healers, Physical therapists… everyone who is involved.  BHEC is working to heal the ones who want to listen to the message.
3. What type of content do you want to translate – literary, scientific, general?  How many hours do you want to spend translating?  How many credits/or street experiences do you bring?  Do you own an app or translating-tool?
Talk to me soon.  ~Estela

Goals: Bilingual/intercultual exchange and support for Spanish speakers with new and translated educational resource materials.  Help TEAMEarthSave recruit or boost the Vegan Quotient of 1 million new Hispanic Vegans/Plant-based Heavenly Eaters.

➤EarthSavePOD/Espanol FB Group> https://facebook.com/groups/earthsavepodespanol
➤Spanish-friendly Meetup group> https://meetup.com/earthsave-pod-espanol
➤About EarthSave En Espanol> https://earthsavemiami.org/earthsave-pod-espanol-mision123 (pending translator)
➤Sr. Vegano Mision-123 Video, Buenos Aires> https://earthsavemiami.org/vegan-spanish-espanol/video-graphic-espanol/
➤Beyond Heavenly Eating FB Group (use FB translator to Spanish)> https://facebook.com/beyondheavenlyeatingclub
VeganVille.TV En Espanol> vegtastic.co/veganville-tv2020
➤Buy Heavenly Eating eBook>  https://vegtastic.co/heavenly  (Spanish edition due Summer, 2020)

Chef Estela and Friends share the Heavenly Vegan Lifestyle based on her eBook ‘Heavenly Eating- 70 Superhealthy Plant-Based and LiveFood Recipes.’  A Spanish language community group supports PlantPure Global 10-Day Jumpstarts.

Sponsors: Ukupacha Earth-Womb, TEAMEarthSave, Professor Estela Delgado

History: EarthSave’s predecessor, Miami Vegetarians, arose from the international hub of American/Hispanic sustainable environmentalism- the Miami-Dade Community College Environmental Center.  In the early 1990’s, under NALITH Director Dr. George Eisman, the Center attracted Latin/Hispanic veg*n academics and activists.  Following the Center’s destruction by Hurricane Andrew, Noel Cleland formed a liason with Coral Gables Congregational Church.
Reorganized in 1996 as EarthSaveMiami.org, we served as an inter-cultural bridge, operating primarily in English.
In 2007 a partnership was formed with between Swami Paramadvaiti’s Spoon Revolution of South and Central America,  gaining access to their vast Spanish-language resources.  But even as ‘Latins’ swelled our membership, EarthSave’s Spanish materials library languished… until now.
EarthSavePOD is one of the largest in the 500 PlantPure Communities Pot Network.  Partnering with Ukupacha we established EarthSavePOD Espanol as an open language/cultural community in 2020.

Ukupacha’s N*E*W Argentine Office:
c/o Alenjandro Urciuolo
Museo de Miticos & Lejendes
Tucuman Province
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZKwFt6YIt0&feature=youtu.be

➤This Page> https://earthsavemiami.org/earthsave-en-espanol-translations-spanish-hispanic-intercultural