HHI Life Transformation Program

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World’s most comprehensive, natural treatment plan to restore wellness through an organic, raw plant-based diet in 3 weeks
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“3 Week Life Transformation Program: group healing circles-energy therapy-meditation-full-body detoxification with infrared saunas-yoga-Qigong-aqua fitness-rebounding-feel empowered with like-minded people-return to abundant health-restore complete vitality-Life Transformation Program Mmanual-tongue scraper-shampoo-conditioner-natural soap-breath freshener-core lectures-3-hour orientation-2 blood draws-personalized supplement plan-tailored dietary recommendations-1 Colonic Therapy-2 Medical Team Consultations-1 H-Wave Consultation-1 Initial Nurse Consultation and Biofeedback Analysis-unparalleled education and lifestyle training on 55 acres of organic land in West Palm Beach, Florida. Daily breakfast (hot or raw)–delicious, plant-based organic, buffet-style meals served from 12:30 to 2 PM and 5:30 to 7 PM
Organic fresh-pressed, protein-rich green juices served twice daily at 10 AM and 4 PM-Organic, raw E3Live algae served 3 days weekly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at 10 AM and 4 PM
Unlimited flax water for digestive wellness-Raw, ice-cream dessert on Saturday nights-Unlimited, organic fruit buffet (if applicable) served twice weekly: Sunday from 8:30 AM- 10:30 AM and Thursday from 8:30 AM-10:30 AM – FINANCING AVAILABLE”

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