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NALITH NaLiTH N-L-T-H Philanthropy Code and JT Trust

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NALITH, an original American vegan foundation was incorporated in 1964 as Nalith Education, Inc. by founders ‘Uncle Jack’ Jacob Tucker (1908-1993), Harold Tucker (1929-1985), and Jeffrey ‘VeganMan’ Tucker (1949- .)  The NALITH Code acronym NA-ture L-ife T-ruth H-ealth represents a hybrid of Judaic/theosophic philosophy and Earth-centric science.

The Jacob Tucker Trust (‘JT Trust’) endowment by eccentric millionaire and Florida organic farmer, Jacob Tucker, followed the premature death of his brother Meyer, a kosher butcher.  In the early 1980’s JT Trust provided $500,000 to ISKON, $250,000 to Miami Dade Community College and attempted various incorporations of a Tucker Family foundation in Florida and California, with familial beneficiaries Jean, Jeffrey, Michael and Stephen and exemplar George Eisman, PhD, who headed up the MDCC Environment Center.

Nalith, Inc. with a present corpus of $6.5M, commenced 501(c)3 grantor operations in 1985 supporting scores of ethical vegan grassroots entities and project leaders: American Vegan Society, Dr. Michael Klaper, EarthSave International, Howard Lyman, Prof. Richard Schwartz, T. Colin Campbell, North American Vegetarian Society et. al.  Nalith Directors mandated sub-agencies including The Vegetarian and Vegan Association (VAVA,) Coalition for Cancer Prevention Through Plant-Based Eating, EarthSave – Florida chapter, and Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc. (STEEI.)

In his capacities as Director, Vice-President, Consultant (Broker Resource Corp. and VeganMan Enterprises, Inc.), and Grantee (EarthSaveMiami.Org and STEEI, Jeffrey appended 7-E (Ethical-Eat-Educate-Entertain-Experience-Empower-Evolve) and 3-H (Humane-Holistic-Hygienic) Criteria to The NALITH Code and issued a Review and Recommendations Report to the board of directors. In 2018 Nalith foundation managers severed ties with Jeffrey and related entities.

Jeffrey currently maintains The NALITH Code in six domains: earthsave.co, earthsavemiami.org, help-haiti.co, veganville.tv, vegtastic.com, vstore-vclass.co; derivatives include: Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle, Mission123, $100M Help-Haiti Masterplan, $2.5Bn SEDA Grand South Design 2030, YAMO- Lawrence ‘Ahimsa’ Huff, Ukupacha Earth Literacy Center, VeganMan Enterprises, Sisterhood Mujer Mariposa, Healthy Haiti Club, et. al.